One of the great features of our email marketing system is that it is tightly tied to the CRM Database. We have always had replacement tags that you could manually put into your emails to put in a participant’s name, or bib # or QR code. But they were manual and awkward to find and enter.
We have extended the email editor and all the replacement tags are easy to drop in now just by clicking on the one you want!

The example email above include the QR code, name, giveaway size. And the “Edit Registration Link” tag is being added from the menu. That tag puts a nice looking link that participants can click and be directed to a page that allows them to make changes that you permit – like giveaway size or changing from the Marathon to the Half.
We have a very complete set of tags:

There are a lot of clever ways to use tags for participant management, email marketing, and improved race day operations. Now they are easier to access and understand. You can learn more about RunSignup’s integrated email marketing platform here: