You can now send and schedule emails to your fundraisers from Email V2. This enables your peer to peer fundraising event to easily communicate with fundraisers throughout the fundraising period. If your event offers peer to peer fundraising teams, you will be able to send to 3 categories of fundraisers:
- All Fundraisers
- Team Captains only
- Team Fundraising members only
To send an email to fundraisers from Email V2, go to Email V2 >> Send Email. Click Select Recipients.

Select Fundraisers from the dropdown, or type Fundraisers into the search at the top of the page.

Select any of the fundraiser list types. Since these are system lists, they will stay current with your peer to peer fundraising event’s registration data. For example, if you schedule an email to send to all fundraisers in 3 days, the list will automatically update to include all new fundraisers who joined during those 3 days. This is one of the advantages of GiveSignup’s free and integrated email marketing – your event can save time and effectively communicate with key constituents by using GiveSignup’s system email lists.
Now you are ready to send emails for your peer to peer fundraising event! We continue to add more features to our next-generation email marketing. This year, we are focused on delivering:
- Automated emails that exist in current Email Marketing so that you can set up drip campaigns, incomplete registration emails, and price increase emails in Email V2
- Pre-built templates that contain suggested text, replacement tags, and design to make it even easier and faster to send beautiful and informative emails
- Fundraiser replacement tags so you can add more personalized communications to your peer-to-peer fundraising emails.